MEDIA RELEASE Aquatera Introduces Self-Serve Option for Bulk Water Customers April 7, 2017 GRANDE PRAIRIE…
MEDIA RELEASE Despite Earthy Smell, Water is Safe to Drink April 6, 2017 Grande Prairie, AB – An earthy…
MEDIA RELEASE Curbside Yard Waste Collection and Aquatera Summer Hours March 27, 2017 GRANDE PRAIRIE…
MEDIA RELEASE Bottle Donation Program Recipients Selected for the Year March 24, 2017 GRANDE PRAIRIE…
MEDIA RELEASE Household Hazardous Waste Round-Up Event June 8, 2017 GRANDE PRAIRIE – Aquatera is hoping…
MEDIA RELEASE Lower Sewer Rates Proposed for Hamlet of Clairmont February 28, 2017 GRANDE PRAIRIE –…