Our promise to our customers is trusted quality, valued service and peace of mind. Our first priority as a company is to ensure the residents of the communities we serve are provided with clean, safe drinking water.
To keep this promise to you, we have some of the most qualified operators in Alberta on our team, working around the clock. Learn more about our facilities below.
Our number one priority is improving the quality of life of our customers by providing clean, safe drinking water. Aquatera owns and operates water and wastewater treatment and transmission systems and water and wastewater distribution mains and structures in the City of Grande Prairie, County of Grande Prairie, Town of Sexsmith, Town of Wembley and other urban and rural customers in Alberta.
Aquatera also provides convenient access to clean, safe, potable bulk water for customers who are outside of our service area, as well as to industry customers.
For more information, please contact treatment@aquatera.ca.