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Treated Wastewater

We are exploring opportunities to sell our treated effluent, or non-potable water, as a water source to industry where potable water is not required.  

Significant amounts of water are consumed by industry in Alberta. In 2016, about 7 million cubic metres of water was used to hydraulically fracture wells in Alberta and much was sourced from surface water and fresh groundwater.

The remainder of the water used was from alternative sources such as saline groundwater, flowback, produced water and municipal wastewater.


Remember, there are only four things can be safely flushed down a toilet: Pee, Poo, Paper (Toilet) and Puke. Flushing paper products other than toilet paper can cause blockages and fibres that make up disposable wipes are thick which means they don’t break down like toilet paper. Even if a wipe is branded as “flushable”, it is not.

Anything outside the 4P's could damage our water infrastructure system and could lead to contamination of our waterways.

Environmentally friendly 

Aquatera follows rigorous environmental standards to treat its wastewater so that it can be safely discharged back in the Wapiti River. In fact, over 80 per cent of what is taken from the river is safely returned.

By exploring opportunities to expand services in large scale industrial wastewater treatment, there is an opportunity for industry to consume less water and recycle what they do use.  Only treated effluent not required to be returned to the environment will be available for sale.

AESRD Supported 

Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development (ESRD) supports the reuse of municipal wastewater for hydraulic fracturing as a reasonable alternative to potable water or water from streams and shallow aquifers.

Industry benefits from the use of treated effluent as it is a readily available resource that is more environmentally sustainable, is located closer to major industry, therefore saving time, and is available at a cost that is much less than potable water.