Aquatera Connecting Clairmont and Grande Prairie Wastewater Systems
July 20, 2017
GRANDE PRAIRIE – Plans to connect the Clairmont wastewater system to Grande Prairie’s system are moving forward with the announcement from Aquatera that Mainline Construction was the successful bidder on the $17.3 million project.
Currently, Clairmont’s wastewater collection system discharges to a sewage lagoon located three kilometers from the hamlet. With rapid regional growth, however, the lagoon has exceeded its treatment capacity, driving Aquatera’s plans to connect the Clairmont system with Grande Prairie’s.
The project has received $12 million in combined Provincial and Federal funding, with an additional $3M in Federal/Provincial funding applied to the earlier 116 St Trunk Sewer construction.
“We are grateful for the substantial investments made from higher levels of government as well as our Shareholders to ensure this project was completed,” says Aquatera CEO Bernd Manz. “These investments will allow us build the infrastructure to fuel regional growth while reducing the impact on utility customers.”
The final stage in connecting the two systems involves the development of a pump station at the Clairmont Lagoon, 8.2 kilometers of force main to 132 Avenue, as well as 1.1 kilometers of new gravity trunk sewer from 108 avenue to 116 avenue.
The Clairmont effluent will discharge to the recently constructed 116 St Trunk Sewer. The Trunk Sewer also will be extended as far north as possible, providing additional quarter sections in the City along 116 Street with sanitary servicing. Long term operational costs will be reduced as well.
The project accommodates long-term growth in Clairmont for wastewater treatment, eliminates twice annual lagoon discharges into drainage courses upstream of the City, and provides a higher level of environmental protection with the enhanced nutrient removal and consistent treatment available at our recently upgraded Wastewater Treatment Plant.
“The County of Grande Prairie is pleased to contribute $2.5 million in funding to this project,” said County of Grande Prairie Reeve Leanne Beaupre. “The completion of this project will ensure there is optimal and sustainable growth and development in the hamlet of Clairmont for many years to come.”
Aquatera Utilities has $93 million dollars in capital investment plans related to water and wastewater treatment, distribution and collection in their 2017/18 strategic plan and has invested $81 million in growth related infrastructure over the last five years. In the next five years Aquatera expects that to grow 69 percent to $137 million.
Find out more about Aquatera’s capital projects in the 2017/2018 Business Plan Highlights at www.aquatera.ca/our-company/corporate-info
Aquatera Utilities Inc. is the Grande Prairie region’s provider of water, wastewater and solid waste services. Its core purposes is helping grow healthy communities and aims to have the best people providing the best service for the best value. For more information: www.aquatera.ca
Chelsea Lewis
Communications and Change Manager
Aquatera Utilities Inc.
P: 587.297.0692