Application Fee
We charge a $34.50 application fee upon any move in or transfer of accounts. This is for the time it takes to set up your account, look through any previous account history and obtain a read.
Security Deposit
New customers are required to pay a security deposit of $200.00 for residential and $300.00 for non-residential. This payment is due on or before your move in date.
If you are a returning or existing customer with Aquatera, we may require a security deposit depending on a your payment history. The deposit amount is determined by three months’ worth of your billing history.
Customers who have maintained 12 months (residential) or 24 months (non-residential) of good payment history can request to have their security deposit and interest returned to them. If you qualify, Aquatera will credit your deposit to your next monthly bill.
If you close your account, the deposit is applied to any outstanding amount and if there is a credit balance it is refunded to you.
Collection Fees
- Reminder notice - $2.00
- Final notice - $25.00
- Fee for non-sufficient funds (NSF) - $25.00
Municipal Franchise Fees
The water, wastewater, and solid waste franchise fees that you see on your bill are paid to the municipalities and allow Aquatera to provide water, wastewater, and solid waste services. This revenue does not stay within Aquatera.
- Municipal Water Franchise Fee - is 10% of the total of the Water Consumption and Water Fixed Rate charges on your bill.
- Municipal Sewer Franchise Fee - is 10% of the total of the Sewer and Sewer Fixed Rate charges on your bill.
- Solid Waste Franchise Fee - is a flat fee for City of Grande Prairie residential customers only.
Learn more about where your money goes.