What is an Infrastructure Charge?
Aquatera collects an infrastructure charge on new developments, which is used to fund capital projects that accommodate growth in our region.
Infrastructure within a subdivision is paid by the developer and contributed to Aquatera. They recover their costs through lot prices to the home builder. The home builder covers the costs to connect to the water and sewer systems in the yard and pass those costs on to the home owner.
Learn more about Infrastructure Charges.
Water demand is based on the proportionate flow available for various water service sizes. The wastewater demand is directly proportional to the water demand.
The infrastructure charge for a new single-family residential dwelling (5/8” or 16 mm Meter) is $9,685, which provides potable water, as well as wastewater service. This does not include a water meter fee.
Find the complete list of rates in the Infrastructure Charge Policy (PDF).