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The Drop Blog

If You Let it Freeze... You May Get Burned
January 21 2021

If You Let it Freeze... You May Get Burned

I’m going to tell you a little story. Well, two very similar stories with two very different endings.…

Seasons Greeting from Aquatera
December 18 2020

Seasons Greeting from Aquatera

Each year, the holiday season provides an opportunity to reflect and give thanks for the many blessings…

Winterize or Burst
November 18 2020

Winterize or Burst

Do you ever have a day where everything that can go wrong does go wrong? I try to see the positive in…

Chew On This
October 14 2020

Chew On This

What could you do with $31B? You could relieve world hunger for one year. You could provide clean drinking…

New Year, New You!
January 22 2020

New Year, New You!

I love January! It marks the beginning of a new year, and an opportunity for a fresh start. I always…

Waste Free Lunches
August 02 2019

Waste Free Lunches

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year! Welcomed by parents with open arms and cringed at by children.…